🌎 itaydreyfus.com | 🎓 Linkedin | 🐦 Twitter

As a designer and maker, I've been endlessly exploring rabbit holes—seeking inspiration, product ideas, and market insights.

Research feels like an endless archaeological dig, but it’s an invaluable resource for any business. Understanding your external world is crucial for your business to grow and thrive.

If you have ideas to explore but lack the time or capacity, think of me as your inspiration whisperer:

🚀 Startup founders

Research for early decks:

💸 VC and other investors

Industry validation:

🧑‍🚀 Seasoned entrepreneurs

Market analysis:

💼 Business executives

Product strategy:

How it works

Based on your brief, I’ll explore the web through various mediums like articles, blogs, tweets, podcasts, and more. I delve deeper than AI into internet subcultures, niches, and news to uncover valuable insights and unique perspectives for you.

A few important notes <> setting outcome expectations:

How Anchor went from launch to exit → See more

How Anchor went from launch to exit → See more

Design research for the Bancor product team

Design research for the Bancor product team

Reach out

✉️ Email me → 💬 Schedule a call →